About Tingathe
Tingathe center of excellence model: support to health facilities
The overall goal of the Tingathe program is to help Malawi towards achievement of the UNAIDS 95-95-95 benchmarks, which call for 95% of HIV-infected individuals to know their status, 95% of patients who know their status to be started and adherent on ART, and 95% of patients on ART to be virally suppressed by 2030.
Tingathe strongly believes that the global community is at a turning point in the fight against HIV and AIDS, and that the resources, tools, and knowledge are available to truly realize ‘Control of the Epidemic'. Tingathe is committed to serving this vision and capitalizing on this unique opportunity through a skilled, coordinated approach that will contribute to an ‘AIDS-Free Generation’ in Malawi. Tingathe Innovation & Impact Highlights
HIV service delivery: support to over 150 health facilities over the program lifetime
Health systems strengthening
Operational research
Read more about the Community Health Workers as a Bridge between PMTCT, EID, and Pediatric HIV project, implemented from 2010-2016
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